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Expo 2012

This section of the wiki is just a tool to help get expo 2012 preparation done in a coordinated fashion.

Once the tasks and discussions below become more concrete they will be transferred to the main Expo website so that the expo website remains up to date.

  • Expo 2012 mission statement

The Schwarzmooskogel system is the most extensive cave system below the Loser Plateau, that, if connected, would bring up a total length of around 100 km and a depth of over 1 km. Of this CUCC has contributed by surveying over 65 km.

In 2011 a breakthrough was made by connecting Tunnockschacht (258) with Steinbrückenhöhle (204), creating a system of the combined length of 28 km. The main aim of this year's expedition will be to connect Kaninchenhöhle (161), which is part of the Schwarzmooskogel system, to the Tunnockschacht-Steinbrückenhöhle system (258/204), which will create a combined system exceeding 90 km.

During the 2009/2011 expeditions, CUCC returned to the furthest reaches of the northern part of Kaninchenhöhle, replaced permanent rigging and continued surveying where the original exploration had left off in the 1990s. This area is now within 45 m of the 258/204 system. The description of the cave from both sides, leads us to assume that a connection should possible during this coming expedition.

There will be three further proposed objectives of the expedition. We will return to the north reaches of 258 to extend the system in uncharted territory which is likely to yield high returns, as it currently lies empty on the map. The area to south of the current exploration hotspot is another promising land, currently devoid of a large system: we will return to Marylin Monroe Höhle (148) and Eislufthöhle (76), which lie some distance away from the current southernmost explored front of the 204/258/161 area. Furthermore we will return to Hauchhöhle (234), which lies between the likely connection area of 204/258 and 161.

Expo dates are 27 July - 02 September (5 weeks). A preliminary list of available dates & people can be found at [1] and this year's Who and When is now live as well.

Expo 2012

Pre-Expedition Tasks

Task Person in charge___ Status_____
General Admin
Sponsorship Emma Underway
Contacting Austrians Serena/ Done
Grant Applications Serena Done
Expo Training Weekend Serena & Mark D Underway
Accounting Policy Stuart Done
Insurance ? To Be Done
Bierbook and Seshbook Adrian To Be Done
Transport To Be Done
Flapjack ? To Be Done
Food Jess To be done
Expo Stash ? To Be Done
Mini Surveys ? To Be Done
Gear Order Aidan To Be Done
Survey Equipment Wookey To be Done
First Aid Kits Serena To Be Done
Phones ? To Be Done
Rescue Grab Bag/Rescue Dump ? To Be Done
Technical Stuff
Expo Computer Wookey To be Done
Troggle ? To Be Done
Website Update ? To Be Done
Surveys Becka To Be Done
Sponsorship photos To Be Done
Austrian Conference Liaison
Jolly Organiser Becka Underway
Jolly Comms Becka To Be Done

Post-Expedition Tasks

Hidden Earth 2011 Conference

GPF report.


These aren't specific tasks that need to be done but things to think about and discuss:

Lists from the end of Expo 2010

Lists from the end of Expo 2011