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Revision as of 17:25, 4 April 2018 by Wobrotson (talk | contribs) (Who and When)
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Who and When

  • The table below is a visual guide to the number of people that will be on Expo during each week.
  • Expo 2018 will be running from the 7th of July until the 19th of August.
  • Please indicate in comments if you also intend to stay in Austria for the Europseleo Conference afterwards, and if so, how long.

red means you're there that week, orange means 'undecided/flexible', yellow means 'there for half week', grey means you're not there.

Name                                         Length of  expoage
Week 1: 07-13 Jul
Week 2: 14-20 Jul
Week 3: 21-27 Jul
Week 4: 28Jul-3Aug
Week 5: 04-10 Aug
Week 6: 11-18 Aug
Example N weeks Cycling out, hanglider home
Philip Sargent 3-4 weeks Very uncertain as yet. At some point Margot will join me in camper-van for a few days.
Ruairidh Macleod 4 weeks Travelling from Tübingen out (if anyone is going by?); staying for Eurospeleo then looking for a lift back to Cambridge
Radost Waszkiewicz 3-4 (?) weeks Travelling from China (most likely); staying for Eurospeleo then most likely going to Spain for another expo, hopefully having my kit transported from Cambridge to Austria by someone (Pleeease?)
Luke Stangroom 6/5 weeks Away from the internet until the 11th April.
Rachel Turnbull 2/3 weeks Travelling from UK. May have a car, might not. Might not be going back to the UK.
George Breley 6 weeks maybe yellow van from UK
Michael Holliday 6 weeks Want to come out for all of it (money providing). Plan to go to Eurospeleo afterwards, then doss around Europe for a while and get to expedition in Spain during September. Don't drive, poor student.
Christopher Holt 2 weeks Driving from Hertfordshire (very near Cambridge). Staying for Eurospeleo and the start of Dachstein. Need to be back for the school term.
Tom Crossley 2 weeks Will possibly (unlikely) have car. Flexible setting off date. Can set off from Yorkshire or Cambridge. Need to be back in Yorkshire before Sunday 22nd (ie back in Cambridge on Saturday 21st).
Wob Rotson 2 weeks Hoping to attend a BEC bash 20th July so can leave from near there. Or anywhere really.

Transport: by week

Colour key: Week 1 , Week 2 , Week 3 , Week 4 , Week 5

TBA=To be advised, S0=No spare seats, S1=One spare seat

Week Going
Gear Returning Gear Expoers Cars Expo