From Cambridge University Caving Club - CUCC wiki
I've contacted Phil, asking for a new Pony for CUCC. He's kindly offered to lend us one if he can't make a new one in time. Ollie s
Do we want more distos? - the club currently only has one, and they are very useful. Ollie s
- Currently applying for some disto sponsorship - wil keep you posted. Edvin
Paper & pencils
I expect we need to buy several more pads of waterproof paper- I think we were running out last year. I googled "waterproof paper caving" and was excited to find that both CUCC and Wookey are mentioned in the first result- [1]. I guess we should call 01473 890285 and order a few Waterbooks then.
Survey tapes
We bought some last year (four?) and still managed to have a shortage by the end. Let's buy more!