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Revision as of 10:39, 3 June 2008 by Aaron (talk | contribs)
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To catch up on last year's data we need to:


  • Finish typing the 2007 logbook. You can help! The book itself is in the tackle store at Aaron's place.

204 sketching and QM management

  • The 204 QM lists appear to be way out of date, this is quite a big problem. shows that the lists haven't been updated since 2004. If we begin by adding the 2007 QMs, then we can try and deal with 06 and 05 afterwards.
  • Finish joining up all the tunnel sketches, and make a big master 204 sketch.

Tunnocks sketching and QM management

  • Finish ticking off the tunnocks QMs, and make a final Tunnocks sketch. A draft with QMs labeled is now available at Image:TunnocksQMd.png. Please check this out and make sure it matches your memory of the cave.-Aaron 18:20, 27 May 2008 (BST)
    • Becka, question: you wrote in the 13th Aug logbook entry that a QM before dubious pleasure was ticked off. Was this 07-40C?
    • Becka, question: you wrote in the 5th Aug logbook entry that a QMC in the entrance became a QMB. Which one was this?
    • Frank, question: What's the lead at the bottom of fat rat / secret squirrel? An A? I have it pencilled in as 07-66A.
      • It's an 'A' --Frank 20:05, 28 May 2008 (BST)
      • Thanks. -Aaron 20:32, 28 May 2008 (BST)
      • I think this QM is a good candidate for connecting to 204. Duncan Collis 09:07, 1 June 2008 (BST)
      • I think the pitches (which I bolted) are incorrectly marked on the survey; there appears to be a p30 followed by a p10, then a small passage heading off to the QM. My recollection is that where the p30 is marked is actually an easy climb down a gulley. The 30m pitch should be about where the p10 is marked. Then there is a short section of awkward passage to a short pitch, which I think is less than 10m. A warning: bolting the second pitch was extremely awkward due to the confined working space, and I subsequently found that I'd put the left-hand bolt into a flake; either a new bolt should be put in in some better rock, or the Y should at least be rigged with most of the load on the other side. Duncan Collis 09:07, 1 June 2008 (BST)
    • Ollie, question: Did we tick off 06-30C when we did Pantin Sales?

Expo site

  • Update the expo survex website. You can help!

Aquiring useful nearby survey data

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