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President: Aiora Zabala, Clare Hall (az296 at

Aiora deals with the overall running of the Club. Contact her for general enquiries.


Senior Treasurer: James Hickson, Pembroke (jcdh1 at

James oversees the running of the Club's finances. Please note that day-to-day transactions and enquiries should go to Dávid (see below).

Junior Treasurer: Stuart Bennett, (sb476 at

Stuart deals with the Club's finances. Email him if you have any queries regarding trip costs.

Secretary: Bela Dimova, St Edmunds (bd283 at

Bela deals with general Club paperwork, including insurance and subscriptions to the relevant national caving bodies.

Meets Secretary: Matthew Watson, (mw288 at

Matt arranges the meets schedule, booking of huts and permits for meets.

Tackle Master: Xian Jie Tay, (

Xian Jie looks after the CUCC Tackle Store and its contents. He is also responsible for allocating gear tape colours.

Training Officer: Stuart Bennett, (sb476 at

Stuart deals with matters relating to instruction in caving techniques within the club. He is responsible for the training sessions.

Social Secretary: Post awaiting someone with sense of fun...

They take care of CUCC social life.


Webmasters: Wookey (wookey at

Wookey manages the website and email lists.

Librarian: Dávid Mólnar (dm516 at cam dot ac dot uk)

David looks after the CUCC Library in Pembroke College (which is full of fascinating stuff).

Lamp Post: Adrian Horell (adrianifor at

Adrian fixes the lights when they break.

Previous Committees


President: Aiora Zabala

Senior Treasurer: James Hickson, Pembroke

Junior Treasurer: Dávid Mólnar,

Secretary: Krista Mumdzjana, St Catz

Meets Secretary: Matt Watson

Training Officer: Stuart Bennett

Librarian: Jess Stirrups

Dinner Lady: Jess Stirrups

Webmaster: Olly Madge+Wookey, Pembroke

Lamp Post: Wookey


President: Jess Stirrups, Selwyn

Senior Treasurer: James Hickson, Pembroke

Junior Treasurer: Ben Gibson, Pembroke

Secretary: Tom Logan, Pembroke

Meets Secretary: Serena Povia, Churchill

Training Officer: Martin Jahnke

Webmaster: Tom Logan, Pembroke

Lamp Post: Wookey